I put on my old royal blue one-piece and climbed into a tub of bubbles with this one . . .

why?? Fear of water, no real rhyme or reason to it - but that's kids - right?? Out of the blue - what works, just doesn't anymore. He LOVED the tub, I mean L-O-V-E-D it, but now he will claw at me like I'm about to drop him into a pit of lava. I've tried everything, I mean everything, but in the end sitting with mommy in the bubbles was exactly what he wanted :)
Mommyhood is consuming these days, full of good & bad & everything in between - at the end of the day I am exhausted but amidst the tiredness I feel lucky & blessed and can't imagine not having these two in my life . . .

Don't you just want to squeeze their cheeks :)
I have lots of scrapping to share - so much in fact I will not overload you with all of it in one post. Today - Jillibean Soup - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!!!!

Little crazy with the stitching - but I love sewing . . . on paper that is :) Oh & that brown JB button - did you know I have a slight addiction to buttons - love 'em. I have 15 mason jars full & an entire drawer full - I may need an intervention :)

Just love how these punched leaves turned out with a bit of pen definition & of course some splatters of mist in the background :)

Now this one tugs at my heartstrings a bit - love this photo . . .

A close-up of the journaling & the quote that inspired the whole layout . . .

Here is the sketch I created based on the layout - feel free to join in this month's challenge - we'd love to have you!!! Check out all the details HERE.

And yes - a few cards . . . they are always a challenge for me but I am really starting to enjoy creating them :)

Hope everyone is well out there & thanks so much for continuing to read my blog even though I've been such a slacker in the blogging department :)
ttyl - julie :)