with your children again.
tomorrow, they'll be a little
older than they were today.
this day is a gift.
breathe and notice.
smell and touch them;
study their faces
and little feet and pay attention.
enjoy today, mama.
it will be over before you know it.
-jen hatmaker

Having a blog hiatus seems to be quite the norm for me these days. Life is so FULL right now and I am just trying to live it to the best of my ability. I fall short, we all do, and I can simply try better tomorrow . . . at least that is what I tell myself :) My 2 little ones are growing so fast. The days are a fine balance between the "relishing" of moments & simply trying to survive all the obligations found within the ordinary day. . .
I think I owe someone a roller stamp . . . or how about we switch it up to 3 WINNERS!!!! Yay!! I have 3 to give away, the original Dear Lizzy 5th & Frolic roller stamp I mentioned, a Dear Lizzy Neapolitan roller stamp, and an American Crafts With Love roller date stamp. I think the last one was at Target only, I haven't seen it online anywhere. SO let's draw some winners!!!!
#1 Dear Lizzy 5th & Frolic Roller Stamp

#2 Dear Lizzy Neapolitan Roller Stamp

#3 American Crafts With Love Roller Stamp

Elisabeth, Margie, & Jill, please email me at dailyscrap@gmail.com with your address so I can get these out to you - thanks everyone for your comments!!!
Now, on to some scrapping to share . . .
Noel Mignon's February kit, Lasting Love, was full of pink, red, teal, and grey - such a fab combo of colors!! Below each pic is a "details" link to the post where you can find specifics on what I did. Here's what I came up with . . .

details . . .

details . . .

details . . .

details . . .
The layout above actually goes along with this month's sketch challenge at Noel Mignon.

You can find all the specifics to play along with us HERE.
Before I go, I wanted to answer a questions posed by "30 on Life"
30 on LifeJanuary 8, 2013 at 5:34 PM
I always love your work!! :) Do you have a formula you tend to follow? You generally seem to have a 'border' (so to speak) around the whole LO.
First of, thanks so much for following my work!!! I'll be honest, I don't know if I would consider it a set "formula" but I do tend to often create a "base" for each layout I create. The "base" usually consists of one or two sheets of solid cardstock. I then build my layout upon that - typically with patterned paper. I always like to either stitch or use pen to create a border around the patterned paper portion of the layout to help "ground" it to the cardstock. Hope that makes sense & answers your question. Maybe I need to do a video one of these days - a walk-through of my process??? That might be fun :)
Thanks so much to everyone for reading this blog over the past 3 1/2 years. I happened to notice I have hit 203,193 pageviews as of today - crazy!!! With a little number crunching I have figured out that ends up being about 1,200 pageviews a week - thank you so much for finding me & following along with me!!!! Have a fabulous Tuesday :)