Doesn't he look so old here?? I had to snap another - this looks more like my little guy here - full of that cheesy grin :)

And I have one more headed to school this fall - preschool that is - Nicholas had his meet & greet this week. He was able to meet his new teacher & classmates this past Wednesday. He just LOVED the classroom & all the fun stuff in there!!! He seemed really excited - although a bit serious in this pic right before we headed there . . .

So I will have three mornings a week to myself - what?? It's been almost three years since I had any regular kid-free time - I can't really remember what that's like. I suppose I will be headed to my old hangout - Barnes & Noble - coffee and laptop time!!! I have an online class I am starting in a week so it will be great to have that time to work on stuff :)
And, this is MY TIME of the year - I love fall and winter. I'm so excited it's September finally :) If I could just get rid of this hot, humid weather we are currently having. I need some cool air, falling leaves, and fireplaces crackling away :) (It is very possible we decorated for fall & Halloween today - crazy I know - we couldn't help it - September is here!!!)
I had a chance to dive into some Fancy Pants Designs goodies this weekend!! My first layout features their Memories Captured collection. I just love the color scheme of this line & the fun vintage embellishments. I snapped this pic earlier in the summer when we had gathered with cousins. This is of the boys making our red, white & blue strawberry treats - check them out HERE.

I kept the photo small, and layered lots of fun embellishments around it.

Here is a close up of my journaling. I simply typed it out on vellum and then adhered it to the page by machine stitching along the bottom.

My second layout features the Down by the Shore collection. Such a fun, bright color palette!!

I used one of their title pieces for my own title. Tucked behind the title and photo is a Silhouette cut file meant for a 3 x 4 card. I simply enlarged it and then machine stitched down the paper to the vellum. I then added a number of the adorable fish rub-ons and a few sequins.

I kept the journaling simple and just stitched down the side to attach it to the page. You may also notice the cluster of buttons in the middle of the pics. I stitched down each button with twine :)

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!!! Have a great week & thanks for stopping by :)