Okay, top 10 pics from OC didn't happen yesterday :( After physical therapy this girl wasn't doing anything but watching TV :) Good news though - 2 more appointments and as long as everything is still good (fingers crossed) I will be free of my twice a week evening ritual!!! Yay!!! No more physical therapy!!! Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad or anything, it is just that I had to go at night after Justin got home from work and didn't end up coming home until almost 9 o'clock which stunk. Anyways, hopefully I am almost done and now I can use my extra time for scrapping :)
Okay, I must preface that many of these pics seem super over-exposed - the lighting in the beach house is crazy & while I deem myself an ok picture snapper, I'm no professional in ANY sense of the word. I tried to edit the heck out of some of them because I liked the pics, but in the end I fear some look quite over-processed. Oh well :) I still like 'em!!
#1 I have only a handful of pics of us, I'm always taking pics of the kids . . . thanks to my brother-in-law for snapping this one :)
#2 Future hair model - LOVE it!!!
#3 The kids (minus Nicholas) . . . love that they could all enjoy one another . . .
#4 This was just to funny not to include - curious & confused little Bailey with Uncle Justin . . .
#5 & #6 Okay these next 2 pics go together. See how clean his hands are and how messy his face is while eating this cupcake . . .
That's because he only uses his mouth - that's right, clamps right down into it & never touches it. That's how he rolls . . .
#7 Okay, when I said over-processed this was one for sure!!! The light through the glass was just SO bright & it washed so much of the photo out, but I loved the 3 of them together even though Marshall was looking grumpy. All week, the 3 Musketeers - so cute :)
#8 Beach babies - having fun playing in the sand . . .
#9 Dress up time - silly boys . . .
#10 The whole Bonner clan :)
Okay all - out for now, but check back tomorrow as I will have a layout to share from Noel Mignon's latest kit
Boardwalk!!! Yay!!