Some days I get in the "funk" - I'm sure you know what I mean. The "dragging down", the feeling that there is so much and you are only one person. You are trying so hard and yet it is never enough. Feeling in "that place" today - if I could just change my perspective sometimes . . . see the glass half full . . . stop getting bogged down with every little thing . . .
And these two - trying every last little bit of patience I have - these little stinkers :)

Nicholas is full of strong will & tantrums these days . . . but lots of snuggles & hugs too. I think part of it is just frustration at not being able to communicate. He makes lots of sounds but struggles with the words. He is silly and mischievous. He is a true explorer & usually free of fear - except when it comes to people. He becomes very shy around other adults - but kiddos - LOVES them!!! He is totally a momma's boy - but only for like 5 minutes, and then he's all "Mr.Tough & Independent" :) He LOVES doing whatever Ryan is doing. I think he thinks he is 5 :) He is obsessed with Superheroes which I think is so funny because he isn't even 2 :) He also is obsessed with Cookie Monster too which is totally age appropriate :) He is very different from Ryan, so I feel as if I am starting new with "mommyhood" in respects to him - my approach to so many things is different with him. I am learning the toddler years all over again :)

Ryan is trying to be so grown-up. He is extremely bright, which can be both a blessing and a curse :) He questions alot, both in appropriate & inappropriate times. He is sweet and kind - his heart is so good. He tells me stories of how he sticks up for friends at school who are being teased & I am so proud of him. He is a reader - just pours over books. He LOVES technology too - TV& video games - it's often a struggle between us. There are moments I see him pulling away from me - trying his hand at a new world of friends & playmates. Tonight he told me I was his hero :)

Motherhood is full of ups & down, highs & lows, and when the day comes to an end - I try to look over all of it & just choose to be thankful, for every single moment of it.

No worries though - if you are looking for more than just my current thoughts on the journey of motherhood - I've got some scrappy to share too :) My recent layouts for Noel Mignon . . .

Off to clean up before bedtime :) I'll leave you with a tune for your evening . . .